Fringilla coelebs
Pennington Flash, Lancs 4/8/17 (2867)
Fishers Green 16/3/16 (9978)
Amwell 25/2/16 (9908)
Evenjobb, Powys 23/5/14 (7001)
Evenjobb, Powys 28/4/12 (3664)
Male at Fisher's Green 11/3/12 (3524)
Female at Fisher's Green 11/3/12 (3518)
Male at Fishers Green 21/11/10 (1447)
In our garden 10/7/10 (0788)
Female at Amwell NR 28/3/10 (0145)
Amwell NR 7/3/10 (0046)
Fishers Green 19/12/09 (6674)
In our garden 2/2/09 (5267)
In our garden in the snow 2/2/09 (5266)
Male at Fishers Green 18/1/09 (5186)
Evenjobb, Powys 23/11/08 (4897)
Male in our garden 17/05/08 (3686)
Amwell Gravel Pits NR 21/03/08 (3242)
Female enjoying the winter sunshine at Fishers Green 27/01/08 (3030)
Fishers Green 12/01/08 (2973)
Female at Fishers Green 12/01/08 (2957)
Female at Fishers Green 29/12/07 (2869)
Amwell Gravel Pits 14/10/07 (2439)
Amwell 16/09/07 (2319)
Hooks Marsh 05/08/07 (2165)
I believe that this is a juvenile male just coming into adult plumage - Evenjobb, Powys 21/07/07 (2044)
Hooks Marsh 10/06/07 (1680)
Female in our garden 02/06/07 (1605)
Male at Amwell 19/05/07 (1500)
Male at Amwell 19/05/07 (1487)
Male at Amwell 19/05/07 (1486)
Amwell 15/04/07 (1159)
Fishers Green 17/04/07 (1200)
Amwell 15/04/07 (1155)
Fishers Green 08/04/07 (1126)
Amwell 01/04/07 (1039)
Evenjobb, Powys 25/03/07 (1009)
Amwell 10/03/06 (0921)
Fishers Green 09/12/06 (0623)
In our garden 3/12/06 (0608)